Tuesday, January 11, 2011

No Big "O" Last Night...

Last night the BCS Championship was played between Auburn and Oregon.  You may be interested to know that Oregon is well known for their multitude of uniforms (aka outfits).  In fact, there was a lot of interest in what the boys would wear last night (see... men really do care about fashion!).  Well, it turns out they should have paid less attention to matching their day-glo shoes to their day-glo do-rags and and paid a little more attention to how they could stop the offensive linemen of Auburn.
My mom called today to tell me that she felt bad for Oregon, because they looked so small.  Excellent observation Mom!  On average the Auburn linemen weigh 45 lbs. more than the Oregon line (Oregon probably wanted to fit in their uniforms and look good... they were on TV after all).
With all jokes aside, Oregon wasn't really running the hurry-up offense they are used to, and looked a little worn down by the time they finally tied the game up in the fourth quarter.
Final Score: Auburn 22 - Oregon 19

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