Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Happy Birthday, You're Terrible

Welcome back Sports Guy's fans! Today there was a major birthday in the sporting world that you may never see again... a sports venue turned 100 years old. That's right, Wrigley Field had a milestone birthday today celebrating 100 years of disappointment and loss. The reason you will probably never see this again is because unlike Cubs fans and their supporters, other teams along with their supporters have the good sense to want to watch a game in modern day comfort without the fear that parts of the stadium may literally rain down upon them.

I grew up going to Cubs games and cheering for the lovable losers, but the charm of the Curse of the Billy Goat has lost a little of its luster. Baseball games can be a lot of fun, eating hotdogs and having an Old Style can be fun too. Do you know what's not fun? Being a fan of the only MLB team to have never won a World Series, that's what. I've taken my talents of being a baseball fan to other stadiums and I have to admit, it's great to be a baseball fan in a stadium where your team wins and you have access to Club Level amenities. That being said, you can take the girl out of Wrigley, but...after many years it's sad to report you still can't take the Wrigley out of this girl.

What better way for fans to feel the love of their hometown team than with a loss to the Diamondbacks (7-5). Happy Birthday, you're still terrible, and that's only one of the 100 reasons people love the Cubs.

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