Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Granddaddy of Them All

There are 35 bowl games that go on between December 18th and January 10th.  Remember how everyone got a trophy for "trying" in little league.. it's kinda like that.  However, there is only one "Granddaddy of them all" and that my friends is The Rose Bowl.  It is the oldest bowl game played once in 1902, and then having been played each year since 1916.  This year the teams playing in the bowl include #3 TCU and #5 Wisconsin.

Each team is taking on the role of the underdog, which is interesting considering the term underdog implies one team is weaker than the other.  Las Vegas says Wisconsin is the real underdog getting 3 points on the spread.

TCU and Wisconsin fans will be packing the house in Pasadena today.  Let's see tonight if Wisconsin can "Jump Around" on TCU's hopes for the title.

Wisconsin's last bowl game: 2009 Champs Sports Bowl (won)
TCU's last bowl game: 2010 Fiesta Bowl (lost)

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