Friday, January 21, 2011

The Super Bowl Before the Super Bowl

There is tension building in the air.  Can you feel it?  This weekend has a storm brewing and the epicenter of destruction is going to be directly over Soldier Field in Chicago, Illinois.

You may be thinking; why all this hoopla over a game?  Well, if that's what you are thinking then you better keep your thoughts to yourself because by asking that question aloud you will be exposing your embarrassing lack of sports knowledge.  Instead, read on and find out why this weekend has a game that defines the spirit of competition.

Chicago Bears vs. Green Bay Packers
Bears/Packers is the definition of team rivalry.  These two teams that have a hatred for each other that burns like the Great Chicago Fire.  This is one of the few times when everyone will stop and take notice, your boyfriend has a valid reason to watch "the game" instead of go shopping, and you need to have an idea of what happened just to keep pace at the office Monday morning.  Do not try to be bigger than this game, do not make plans that aren't centered around a couch/TV/screaming at the TV like the players can hear you.  This rivalry dates back to 1921, and any event that has been going on that long will trump over your plans every time.

Now that we have that squared away we can talk team dynamics.  The Packers are a 6- seeded team.  That means they were the lowest ranked NFC team going into the playoffs.  They have beat the Eagles and the Falcons, both while on the road.  The Bears however, are seeded at 2.  They had a first round bye, then played the Seahawks at home and won.  Chicago and Green Bay are the last two teams left in the NFC.  They meet up this Sunday, and the winner is going to the Super Bowl.

The Packers are favored by 3.5 points.  Interesting since they are the lower-seeded away team, but not unexpected because the Bears have been underestimated all year.  After a troublesome season of injury the Packers are finally healthy and firing on all cylinders.  On Thursday night, many of the players were spotted at a Brad Paisley concert.  Can you imagine Donald Driver with a cowboy hat on?  One thing is for sure, if the Packers get to Dallas, Driver will get to wear the hat at least once more.

The Bears are playing at home, healthy, and looking to prove the critics wrong.  Don't underestimate a team with the defensive strength of the Great Wall, and a player like Hester who returns punts as easily as most people walk to the mailbox.  These Bears do not have the swagger of the 1985 team, but maybe an NFC championship will make Lovie and the boys dance all the way down to Texas.

P.S. This little lady is going to the game, and will post pics from inside the stadium on Sunday.  Can you guess whose numbers I'll be wearing?

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