Sunday, January 16, 2011

What was on Before the Golden Globes

In case you didn't get to see this weekend's games, or fell asleep on the couch while they were on, here is a recap of the games that went on and what it all means for next weekend.  Yes, we are already looking ahead to next weekend (isn't football great?).

Chicago vs. Seattle
If you had tuned in for the first half of the Chicago/Seattle game you might have been wondering if Seattle was even going to show up.  They looked a lot like my dad in a Victoria's Secret store; they were nervous, and clearly didn't belong there in the first place.
If Chicago can play this way next week they might be able to pull off a win against the next team standing in their way: the Packers.

Final Score: 35-24

Atlanta vs. Green Bay
You may have thought the home field advantage would have had some meaning for the Falcons going into the Packers/Falcons game on Saturday night.  If you had, you would have been wrong.  This game was a blow out, the only use the Georgia Dome served was to keep Aaron Rodgers and the rest of the Packers warm as they beat the Falcons up and down the field.... aren't falcons on some type of endangered species list to protect them against such a beating?
Next stop for the Packers - Chicago

Final Score: 48-21

Pittsburgh vs. Baltimore
This was a close, heated game between two groups of oversized and angry men.  In the end the home team came out on top.  The win by the Steelers means they will go up against the Jets next Sunday to try to power their way through to the Super Bowl.  If they can pull it off next week, this will be their third Super Bowl in the past six seasons.

Final Score: 31-24

New England vs. New York Jets
Tom Brady and crew did NOT look like the unstoppable Patriots of seasons past.
On the other side of things, the Jets really looked like they were laying it all out on the line.  Head coach, Rex Ryan, even "ran" the length of the field at the end of the game to congratulate players on a "haha in your face" meaningless touchdown.  If you don't know why that visual is funny, google Rex Ryan.  Be careful not to open any foot fetish websites though.  All jokes aside the Jets will be flying to Pittsburgh for their match up with the Steelers next Sunday.

Final Score: 28-21

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