Monday, September 12, 2011

Week One Rundown

Week one is nearly in the books (there are two Monday night games yet to be played).  Here are a few of the highlights you may have missed.

Bears vs. Falcons (30-12)
The Bears were looking like, well, a real pro football team on Sunday.  Who is this guy, and whatever he did with the real Jay Cutler we don't want to know!  Brian Urlacher scored a defensive touchdown and had an interception.  If the Bears can play as they did during the season opener for the rest of the season, there may be another postseason playoff in their future.

Texans vs. Colts (34-7)
Can I look now, is it over?  This is the feeling I may have for the rest of the Colt's season.  They were shut down by the Texans in Houston.  Don't worry boys, there are only 16 games left.

Cardinals vs. Panthers (28-21)
Cam Newton the newly drafted QB for the Panthers had quite a game on Sunday.  He threw for 422 yards passing, the most of any rookie QB in his NFL opening game.  Sadly, it wasn't enough to beat the Cardinals.

Jets vs. Cowboys (27-24)
The Jets won by three as they blocked a punt in the forth quarter to then score a touchdown.  They later kicked a 50 yard field goal to put themselves over the Cowboys in the final minutes of the game.  Dallas did have a chance to drive down the field in the final minute of the game, but they didn't appear ready for their first victory of the season.  Especially when, with less than eight seconds to go, the snapped ball to Romo bounced off the surprised QB.  The ball hit him in the chest, and what could have been a play to get Dallas into field goal range was ended.  Not a great offensive game for the Jets, but they fly to victory anyway.
Interesting sidebar:  If you can't seem to get enough of the larger than life Rex Ryan, you can now see his twin brother as he coaches in Dallas.  Buddy Ryan looks strikingly similar.  There is one way to tell them apart; Buddy has scary gray clown hair.

Well there you go boys and girls.  Just a few highlights to the beginning of the season.  Now Monday morning as you sashay up to the water cooler, remember a gem or two from above and you will be sounding like a Sports Guy's Girl in no time.

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