Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Every Girl's Dream

You may have heard the NFL and the NBA are both in lockout situations.  This means there could potentially be a fall/winter without basketball and football.  Hold on ladies, don't go putting your party hat on just yet.  Here's why the lockout is not as great as it may sound.

Think about what your life will be like without these sports for a season.  I bet you are imagining six months of you and your significant other antiquing, having long meaningful conversations, and dinners with your parents.  Well, I'm here to tell you that is NOT what you are in store for.  Think back to how your husband/boyfriend acts when they are sick.  The crying and whining, laying on the couch without purpose.  THAT is what your next 6 months is about to be like.

Here are some ideas of what to say to help your significant other get through this rough time:

He: I can't believe there may be a whole winter without football and basketball.
You:  That really sucks.  I really liked watching the games with you.  I was actually starting to get into it.

He: I love football.
You: Football is the best.

He: This lockout is ridiculous.
You: It boils down to a bunch of billionaires fighting with a bunch of millionaires over money.  They need to pull up their big boy pants and get back on the field/court.

He: How is Lebron ever going to get his six titles if the NBA locksout during his peak years.
You: Don't be ridiculous.  Lebron is never going to win six titles.

He: What are we supposed to do all winter!?...
This one is a trap.  Remember do NOT mention antiques or your parents.  Instead say:
You: We'll have to get by on NCAA.

If in the event your significant other starts up a conversation and you are in too deep with get out, simply ask them if they'd like a cold beer and then leave the room.

Hopefully both the NFL and NBA can come to some type of agreement.  If not, buckle up ladies, it's bound to be a rough couple of months.

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