Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Christmas in July

Tomorrow is my favorite day of the year.  It isn't my birthday, or Christmas, or any specific holiday per say, but after I tell you why I love July 13, 2011 so much I'm willing to bet any Sports Guy's Girl will come to love it just as much as me.

For those of you who don't know tomorrow is the ONLY day of the year where there are no professional games being played.  The All Star Game was played today (National League won 5-1).  Players are traveling tomorrow to their next city.  There will be no baseball, hockey, basketball, or football games going on anywhere!  It's the one day a year even my sports enthusiast boyfriend will admit that even ESPN is boring to watch.

So pop the bubbly and enjoy your day.  Happy Day After the All Star Game everyone!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Every Girl's Dream

You may have heard the NFL and the NBA are both in lockout situations.  This means there could potentially be a fall/winter without basketball and football.  Hold on ladies, don't go putting your party hat on just yet.  Here's why the lockout is not as great as it may sound.

Think about what your life will be like without these sports for a season.  I bet you are imagining six months of you and your significant other antiquing, having long meaningful conversations, and dinners with your parents.  Well, I'm here to tell you that is NOT what you are in store for.  Think back to how your husband/boyfriend acts when they are sick.  The crying and whining, laying on the couch without purpose.  THAT is what your next 6 months is about to be like.

Here are some ideas of what to say to help your significant other get through this rough time:

He: I can't believe there may be a whole winter without football and basketball.
You:  That really sucks.  I really liked watching the games with you.  I was actually starting to get into it.

He: I love football.
You: Football is the best.

He: This lockout is ridiculous.
You: It boils down to a bunch of billionaires fighting with a bunch of millionaires over money.  They need to pull up their big boy pants and get back on the field/court.

He: How is Lebron ever going to get his six titles if the NBA locksout during his peak years.
You: Don't be ridiculous.  Lebron is never going to win six titles.

He: What are we supposed to do all winter!?...
This one is a trap.  Remember do NOT mention antiques or your parents.  Instead say:
You: We'll have to get by on NCAA.

If in the event your significant other starts up a conversation and you are in too deep with get out, simply ask them if they'd like a cold beer and then leave the room.

Hopefully both the NFL and NBA can come to some type of agreement.  If not, buckle up ladies, it's bound to be a rough couple of months.

Two Cities One Cup

As I'm sure you know, the Boston Bruins beat Vancouver in an exciting Game 7.  As Boston flew home to celebrate with their fans, Canadians showed their good sportsmanship by burning the city and sending many of their own fans to the hospital.  I really didn't think Canadians had it in them to get so angry and violent.  I guess losing Game 7 to the Canadians is a lot like how my mom felt about Oprah leaving daytime TV.  She still can't talk about it.

So Boston gets to hold onto the Stanley Cup (hockey's most important trophy) for the next year, and all Canada has is a lousy Olympic gold metal from a few months ago... how quickly one forgets.

I happened to be in Bean Town the weekend of the Stanley Cup Parade.  Id' like to say it was on purpose, because then I could maybe write the trip off as a business expense - it wasn't. However, since is was in the city I decided I should make my way to the parade, pay my respects to Stanley, and do a little reporting from the scene.

Here is Stanley in all his glory.

Each of the players rode through the streets of Boston on a Duck.  A Duck is a military vehicle turned tourist trap that can maneuver on land and water.  I know this because the day before I went on the tour (insert laughter here).  

While waiting the two and a half hours it took before the parade came through in the blazing hot sun among the Bruins fans in their black and yellow I couldn't help thinking - this might possibly be the closest I ever come to seeing Stanley in all his glory.  That is unless I bump into him at a local strip club.  I hear the players enjoy taking him for a dance now and then.  I wonder if the players tell the strippers they can look but not touch... In any event, the odds of that happening are only slightly higher than that of Oprah returning to daytime TV.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Remember Me???

So.... It's been awhile.  Have no fear!  I am back on the saddle and have lots of juicy sports info to keep you up to date with what's going on this summer.
To be completely honest, I have been trying to figure out how I can best cover the summer sports world.  I mean, there are 30 baseball teams out there, and each team plays something like 162 games.  If you think I'm going to write about each team everyday then you are off your rocker.  Likewise, I know you aren't really all that interested in every game anyway and just need a few juicy bites to sound like you know something. So.... let's get back to business and see what's been going on!