Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ben and Aaron do Dallas

Last Sunday, the Packers beat the Bears on the road and the Steelers beat the Jets at home.

On February 6th the Steelers and the Packers will face off in a final showdown, and perhaps the biggest game in all of sports: the Super Bowl.  Lets take a look ahead and see what to watch for while you are watching Ben and Aaron do Dallas.

In case you haven't picked up on my "Debbie does Dallas" reference, the Super Bowl this year will be held in Dallas, Texas.  Jerry Jones, the team owner, has made it clear to the world that yes, the old adage is true: everything is bigger in Texas.  The stadium holds up to 100,000 people and there is a $40 million HDTV hanging from the ceiling.  But don't worry Jerry can afford the mortgage payments on this bad boy by offering an option for people who can't afford a ticket to the game. They can park near the stadium and watch it on an outdoor video screen for the low, low cost of only $200!  What a nice guy.

Back to the actual game and not the circus around it...
The Packers played well last weekend.  I know because I was there to cheer for the Bears, but wasn't able to on account of their lackluster performance.  I stood, along with thousands of others, in silence as the Packers ran up and down the field as Cutler faked an injury and Urlacher had what should have been a game changing interception but instead let Aaron Rodgers tackle him.  A quarterback should not be able to tackle ANYONE let alone a big strong defensive player.  It was ugly, and I am still trying to recover after the heartbreak, but I like the Cubs so I'm sure I can get over this.

Back the the actual game and not my bitter feelings toward Cutler and his imaginary injuries...
Didn't I tell you Donald Driver would find another use for that cowboy hat?  The Packers are a really good team.  They were a good team when half of the starters were out on injured reserve.  Now that everyone is healthy, this team is dangerous.  They have a great QB in Aaron Rodgers and are coached by what many believe is the best coach in Football this season, Mike McCarthy.

The Steelers have QB Big Ben and a great running back in Rashard Mendenhall.  Mendenhall was actually passesd up by Dallas in the draft for Felix Jones.  If you don't know Felix's name, then you can see why Dallas fans may be a little bitter that Mendenhall is in town.  Dallas is also a city known for big hair.  Troy Polamalu will feel right at home with his Head and Shoulders locks.  It's amazing how everything comes together, isn't it?

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Second 2-Seed vs. 6-Seed Game of the Day

You may be surprised to learn that the Bears/Packers is not the only game happening this Sunday.  There is another conference... the AFC... remember them?  Well, if not then let's do something sports reporters across the country have been forgetting to do all week: cover that game too.

Last weekend the Jets beat the New England Patriots.  The Patriots looked as if they suffered some sort of temporary paralysis as the Jets pounded them up and down the field.  The Jets are a good team, but not a Super Bowl good team.  They are, like the Packers, a 6-seeded team.  To get to this game they beat the Colts and the Patriots, both while on the road.

The Steelers are, just like the Bears, a second-seeded team (aren't the similarities striking!?)  Last week they beat the Ravens at home.  They play again this Sunday night at Heinz Field where they are favored to win by 3.5 points.

The Jets have been out to cross teams off their list.  I have a feeling the Steelers are going to take that list,  ball it up, and throw it back in Rex Ryan's face.  But maybe not, Big Ben may just politely ask the Jets to step aside as they march past them on their way to Dallas.  I hear he's a much nicer person these days.

The Super Bowl Before the Super Bowl

There is tension building in the air.  Can you feel it?  This weekend has a storm brewing and the epicenter of destruction is going to be directly over Soldier Field in Chicago, Illinois.

You may be thinking; why all this hoopla over a game?  Well, if that's what you are thinking then you better keep your thoughts to yourself because by asking that question aloud you will be exposing your embarrassing lack of sports knowledge.  Instead, read on and find out why this weekend has a game that defines the spirit of competition.

Chicago Bears vs. Green Bay Packers
Bears/Packers is the definition of team rivalry.  These two teams that have a hatred for each other that burns like the Great Chicago Fire.  This is one of the few times when everyone will stop and take notice, your boyfriend has a valid reason to watch "the game" instead of go shopping, and you need to have an idea of what happened just to keep pace at the office Monday morning.  Do not try to be bigger than this game, do not make plans that aren't centered around a couch/TV/screaming at the TV like the players can hear you.  This rivalry dates back to 1921, and any event that has been going on that long will trump over your plans every time.

Now that we have that squared away we can talk team dynamics.  The Packers are a 6- seeded team.  That means they were the lowest ranked NFC team going into the playoffs.  They have beat the Eagles and the Falcons, both while on the road.  The Bears however, are seeded at 2.  They had a first round bye, then played the Seahawks at home and won.  Chicago and Green Bay are the last two teams left in the NFC.  They meet up this Sunday, and the winner is going to the Super Bowl.

The Packers are favored by 3.5 points.  Interesting since they are the lower-seeded away team, but not unexpected because the Bears have been underestimated all year.  After a troublesome season of injury the Packers are finally healthy and firing on all cylinders.  On Thursday night, many of the players were spotted at a Brad Paisley concert.  Can you imagine Donald Driver with a cowboy hat on?  One thing is for sure, if the Packers get to Dallas, Driver will get to wear the hat at least once more.

The Bears are playing at home, healthy, and looking to prove the critics wrong.  Don't underestimate a team with the defensive strength of the Great Wall, and a player like Hester who returns punts as easily as most people walk to the mailbox.  These Bears do not have the swagger of the 1985 team, but maybe an NFC championship will make Lovie and the boys dance all the way down to Texas.

P.S. This little lady is going to the game, and will post pics from inside the stadium on Sunday.  Can you guess whose numbers I'll be wearing?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

What was on Before the Golden Globes

In case you didn't get to see this weekend's games, or fell asleep on the couch while they were on, here is a recap of the games that went on and what it all means for next weekend.  Yes, we are already looking ahead to next weekend (isn't football great?).

Chicago vs. Seattle
If you had tuned in for the first half of the Chicago/Seattle game you might have been wondering if Seattle was even going to show up.  They looked a lot like my dad in a Victoria's Secret store; they were nervous, and clearly didn't belong there in the first place.
If Chicago can play this way next week they might be able to pull off a win against the next team standing in their way: the Packers.

Final Score: 35-24

Atlanta vs. Green Bay
You may have thought the home field advantage would have had some meaning for the Falcons going into the Packers/Falcons game on Saturday night.  If you had, you would have been wrong.  This game was a blow out, the only use the Georgia Dome served was to keep Aaron Rodgers and the rest of the Packers warm as they beat the Falcons up and down the field.... aren't falcons on some type of endangered species list to protect them against such a beating?
Next stop for the Packers - Chicago

Final Score: 48-21

Pittsburgh vs. Baltimore
This was a close, heated game between two groups of oversized and angry men.  In the end the home team came out on top.  The win by the Steelers means they will go up against the Jets next Sunday to try to power their way through to the Super Bowl.  If they can pull it off next week, this will be their third Super Bowl in the past six seasons.

Final Score: 31-24

New England vs. New York Jets
Tom Brady and crew did NOT look like the unstoppable Patriots of seasons past.
On the other side of things, the Jets really looked like they were laying it all out on the line.  Head coach, Rex Ryan, even "ran" the length of the field at the end of the game to congratulate players on a "haha in your face" meaningless touchdown.  If you don't know why that visual is funny, google Rex Ryan.  Be careful not to open any foot fetish websites though.  All jokes aside the Jets will be flying to Pittsburgh for their match up with the Steelers next Sunday.

Final Score: 28-21

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Divisional Playoffs - What to Expect

Baltimore Ravens - Pittsburgh Steelers

This game will be played in Pittsburgh with two teams that DO NOT like each other.  Both teams play a tight defense, and have monsters on both sides of the ball.  In their last 22 meetings on the field, Steelers have won 13.  This is going to be a GOOD game.

Atlanta Falcons - Green Bay Packers

It's a good thing Atlanta plays in a dome!  With all the snow and ice they have had in the south, especially Atlanta, the thought of playing a home game in Atlanta - in the snow doesn't make it seem like a home game at all.  Nonetheless, the Packers are going down to the frozen south to try and do what many teams in the NFL have not been able to do at the Georgia Dome.  That is win.
The last meeting between the teams was this season at the Georgia Dome where the score was a tight 27-24, a Falcons win.
With the hostile working environment the Packers face, lets see if they can get it done.

Chicago Bears - Seattle Seahawks

Have you even been witness to an act of God?  I have, last weekend while watching the Seahawks beat the New Orleans Saints (who by the way, won the Super Bowl last year).  The Seahawks are NOT good.  In fact, they have a losing record.  They are by definition the best of the worst and have somehow found a way into the playoffs.
Chicago and Seattle have already played once this year where Chicago lost at home 23 - 20.  It's embarrassing, but what would be more embarrassing is if Chicago finds a way to lose to them again in the playoffs.
Lovie Smith, Brian Urlacher, Jay Cutler and the rest of Chicago needs a win... they haven't been to the playoffs since their Super Bowl loss in 2007 when, by the way, they also had to play Seattle in a divisional playoff game to get through to the Super Bowl.  Coincidence, or another act of God?

New York Jets - New England Patriots

New England is like the better looking, smarter, and funnier older sibling... you do not like them and guess what?  They don't care, because they are happy being awesome with or without you on board. Well, just so you know Patriots fans... the fat guy (Rex Ryan, coach) and his team are coming to play, and they want to mess up Tom Brady's hair and get a little dirty.
Tom Brady is a fantastic quarterback.  Mark Sanchez is good... until he is bad, and then it's really, really bad.  So which Mark Sanchez will show up in New England?  Tom Brady is hoping it's the bad one.

No Big "O" Last Night...

Last night the BCS Championship was played between Auburn and Oregon.  You may be interested to know that Oregon is well known for their multitude of uniforms (aka outfits).  In fact, there was a lot of interest in what the boys would wear last night (see... men really do care about fashion!).  Well, it turns out they should have paid less attention to matching their day-glo shoes to their day-glo do-rags and and paid a little more attention to how they could stop the offensive linemen of Auburn.
My mom called today to tell me that she felt bad for Oregon, because they looked so small.  Excellent observation Mom!  On average the Auburn linemen weigh 45 lbs. more than the Oregon line (Oregon probably wanted to fit in their uniforms and look good... they were on TV after all).
With all jokes aside, Oregon wasn't really running the hurry-up offense they are used to, and looked a little worn down by the time they finally tied the game up in the fourth quarter.
Final Score: Auburn 22 - Oregon 19

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Purple Perfection

Everything is coming up roses for the TCU Horned Frogs.  TCU will be taking the trophy all the way back to Ft. Worth Texas, as they are the new Champions of the 2011 Rose Bowl.

Final Score: 21-19

Both teams played well defensively and offensively, but in the end it was the missed two point conversion by the Wisconsin Badgers that enabled TCU to hold onto their lead.  Although TCU was the three point favorite, they took on the role of David in this David vs. Goliath story.  The small, private school from Texas has definitely made a name for itself in Pasadena, and capped its perfect season with a Rose Bowl win.

The Granddaddy of Them All

There are 35 bowl games that go on between December 18th and January 10th.  Remember how everyone got a trophy for "trying" in little league.. it's kinda like that.  However, there is only one "Granddaddy of them all" and that my friends is The Rose Bowl.  It is the oldest bowl game played once in 1902, and then having been played each year since 1916.  This year the teams playing in the bowl include #3 TCU and #5 Wisconsin.

Each team is taking on the role of the underdog, which is interesting considering the term underdog implies one team is weaker than the other.  Las Vegas says Wisconsin is the real underdog getting 3 points on the spread.

TCU and Wisconsin fans will be packing the house in Pasadena today.  Let's see tonight if Wisconsin can "Jump Around" on TCU's hopes for the title.

Wisconsin's last bowl game: 2009 Champs Sports Bowl (won)
TCU's last bowl game: 2010 Fiesta Bowl (lost)